Testosterone naturale
Testosterone naturale
Gli ingredienti del Testosterone Naturale possono aiutare
1) Supportauna sana produzione di testosterone
2) Aumenta la resistenza e la libido
3) Supporta i livelli di energia
4) Migliorare l'allenamento di resistenza, la costruzione muscolare e il recupero.
Aumenta le tue prestazioni e la tua energia
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Come funzionano i nostri ingredienti
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Tempi di consegna:
2-3 giorni lavorativi per Germania, Spagna, Regno Unito, Francia e Italia.
5-6 giorni lavorativi per: Austria, Belgio, Bulgaria, Croazia, Cipro, Danimarca, Estonia, Finlandia, Grecia, Irlanda, Lettonia, Lituania, Lussemburgo, Malta, Paesi Bassi, Polonia, Portogallo, Romania, Slovacchia, Slovenia, Ungheria.
Perché abbonarsi
Perché abbonarsi
I nostri prodotti sono pensati per essere utilizzati a lungo termine per ottenere tutti i benefici. Gli abbonamenti semplificano il processo e ti garantiscono un accesso costante.
Aumenta i livelli di T
Libido e funzione sessuale
Livelli di energia
Prestazioni atletiche e potenziamento muscolare
Recupero muscolare post-allenamento
Migliora lo stress e l'ansia
1. Al-Dujaili E, Hajleh M, Chalmers R. Effects of Ginseng Ingestion on Salivary Testosterone and DHEA Levels in Healthy Females: An Exploratory Study. Nutrients. 2020 May; 12(6): 1582.
2. Rao A, Mallard A, Grant R. Testofen® (Fenugreek extract) increases strength and muscle mass compared to placebo in response to calisthenics. A randomized control trial. Transl Sports Med. 2020 Mar; 3(4): 374-380.
3. Mansoori A, Hosseini S, Zilaee M, Hormoznejat R, Fathi M. Effect of fenugreek extract supplement on testosterone levels in male: A meta-analysis of clinical trials. Phytother Res. 2020 Jul; 34(7): 1550-1555.
4. Wankhede S, Mohan V, Thakurdesai P. Beneficial effects of fenugreek glycoside supplementation in male subjects during resistance training: A randomized controlled pilot study. J Sport Health Sci. 2016 Jun; 5(2): 176-182.
5. Rao A, Steels E, Inder W, Abraham S, Vitetta L. Testofen, a specialised Trigonella foenum-graecum seed extract reduces age-related symptoms of androgen decrease, increases testosterone levels and improves sexual function in healthy aging males in a double-blind randomised clinical study. Aging Male. 2016 Jun; 19(2): 134-142.
6. Fernández-Lázaro D, Fernandez-Lazaro C, Seco-Calvo J, Garrosa E, Adams D, Mielgo-Ayuso J. Effects of Tribulus terrestris L. on Sport and Health Biomarkers in Physically Active Adult Males: A Systematic Review. Int J Environ Res Public Health. 2022 Aug; 19(15): 9533.
7. Lopresti A, Drummond P, Smith S. A Randomized, Double-Blind, Placebo-Controlled, Crossover Study Examining the Hormonal and Vitality Effects of Ashwagandha (Withania somnifera) in Aging, Overweight Males. Am J Mens Health. 2019 Mar; 13(2): 1557988319835985
8. Chauhan S, Srivastava M, Pathak A. Effect of standardized root extract of ashwagandha ( Withania somnifera) on well-being and sexual performance in adult males: A randomized controlled trial. Health Sci Rep. 2022 Jul; 5(4): e741.
9. Fallah A, Mohammad-Hasani A, Colagar A. Zinc is an Essential Element for Male Fertility: A Review of Zn Roles in Men’s Health, Germination, Sperm Quality, and Fertilization. J Reprod Infertil. 2018 Apr; 19(2): 69-81.
10. Pilz S, Frisch S, Koertke H, Kuhn J, Dreier J, Obermayer-Pietsch B, et al. Effect of vitamin D supplementation on testosterone levels in men. Horm Metab Res. 2011 Mar; 43(3): 223-225.
11. Canguven O, Talib R, Ansari W, Yassin D, Naimi A. Vitamin D treatment improves levels of sexual hormones, metabolic parameters and erectile function in middle-aged vitamin D deficient men. Aging Male. 2017 Mar; 20(1): 9-16.
12. Nimptsch K, Platz E, Willett W, Giovannucci E. Association between plasma 25-OH vitamin D and testosterone levels in men. Clin Endocrinol (Oxf.). 2012 Jul; 77(1): 106-112.
13. Kamenov Z, Fileva S, Kalinov K, Jannini E. Evaluation of the efficacy and safety of Tribulus terrestris in male sexual dysfunction-A prospective, randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled clinical trial. Maturitas. 2017 May; 99: 20-26.
14. Shin B, Lee M, Yang E, Lim H, Ernst E. Maca (L. meyenii) for improving sexual function: a systematic review. BMC Complement Altern Med. 2010 Aug; 10: 44.
15. Gonzales G, Córdova A, Vega K, Chung A, Villena A, Goñez C, et al. Effect of Lepidium meyenii (MACA) on sexual desire and its absent relationship with serum testosterone levels in adult healthy men. Andrologia. 2002 Dec; 34(6): 367-372.
16. Singh N, Bhalla M, de Jager P, Gilca M. An Overview on Ashwagandha: A Rasayana (Rejuvenator) of Ayurveda. Afr J Tradit Complement Altern Med. 2011 Jul; 8(5): 208-213.
17. Arring N, Millstine D, Marks L, Nail L. Ginseng as a Treatment for Fatigue: A Systematic Review. J Altern Complement Med. 2018 Jul; 24(7): 624-633.
18. Gonzales-Arimborgo, Yupanqui I, Montero E, Alarcón-Yaquetto D, Zevallos-Concha A, Caballero C, et al. Acceptability, Safety, and Efficacy of Oral Administration of Extracts of Black or Red Maca (Lepidium meyenii) in Adult Human Subjects: A Randomized, Double-Blind, Placebo-Controlled Study. Pharmaceuticals (Basel). 2016 Aug; 9(3): 49.
19. Pérez-Gómez J, Villafaina S, Adsuar J, Merellano-Navarro E, Collado-Mateo D. Effects of Ashwagandha (Withania somnifera) on VO2max: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis. Nutrients [Internet]. 2020 Apr [cited 2023 Jul 07]; 12(4): Article number 1119.
20. Bonilla D, Moreno Y, Gho C, Petro J, Odriozola-Martinez A, Kreider R. Effects of Ashwagandha (Withania somnifera) on Physical Performance: Systematic Review and Bayesian Meta-Analysis. J Funct Morphol Kinesiol [Internet]. 2021 Mar [cited 2023 Jul 07]; 6(1): Article number 20.
21. Albaker W. Fenugreek and Its Effects on Muscle Performance: A Systematic Review. J Pers Med. 2023 Mar; 13(3): 427.
22. Yi D, Yoshikawa M, Sugimoto T, Tomoo K, Okada Y, Hashimoto T. Effects of Maca on Muscle Hypertrophy in C2C12 Skeletal Muscle Cells. Int J Mol Sci. 2022 Jun; 23(12): 6825.
23. Laird E, Ward M, McSorley E, Strain J, Wallace J. Vitamin D and Bone Health; Potential Mechanisms. Nutrients. 2010 Jul; 2(7): 693-724.
24. Yang Y, Ren C, Zhang Y, Wu X. Ginseng: An Nonnegligible Natural Remedy for Healthy Aging. Aging Dis. 2017 Dec; 8(6): 708-720.
25. Gopukumar K, Thanawala S, Somepalli V, Rao T, Thamatam V, Chauhan S. Efficacy and Safety of Ashwagandha Root Extract on Cognitive Functions in Healthy, Stressed Adults: A Randomized, Double-Blind, Placebo-Controlled Study. Evid Based Complement Alternat Med [Internet]. 2021 Nov [cited 2023 Jul 07]; Article number 8254344.
26. Lopresti A, Smith S, Malvi H, Kodgule R. An investigation into the stress-relieving and pharmacological actions of an ashwagandha (Withania somnifera) extract. Medicine (Baltimore) [Internet]. 2019 Sep [cited 2023 Jul 07]; 98(37): Article number e17186.
27. Speers A, Cabey K, Soumyanath A, Wright K. Effects of Withania somnifera (Ashwagandha) on Stress and the Stress- Related Neuropsychiatric Disorders Anxiety, Depression, and Insomnia. Curr Neuropharmacol. 2021 Jul; 19(9): 1468-1495.
28. Lee S, Rhee D. Effects of ginseng on stress-related depression, anxiety, and the hypothalamic–pituitary–adrenal axis. J Ginseng Res. 2017 Oct. 41(4): 589-594.
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Sostenuto dalle più recenti ricerche scientifiche. Dosaggi ottimizzati e ingredienti ad alto assorbimento ed efficacia.

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in piccoli lotti, secondo i più severi vincoli europei di eccellenza.
Ingredienti sostenuti dalla scienza
I nostri ingredienti sono standardizzati e testati per garantire i livelli di composti attivi. Scegliamo le forme di ingredienti più biodisponibili e biologicamente attive. Quando possibile, ci riforniamo dei migliori ingredienti brevettati e completamente tracciabili.
Fieno greco
Tribulus Terrestris
Panax Ginseng
Gluconato di zinco
Vitamina D3
I nostri ingredienti sono standardizzati e testati per garantire i livelli di composti attivi. Scegliamo le forme di ingredienti più biodisponibili e biologicamente attive. Quando possibile, ci riforniamo dei migliori ingredienti brevettati e completamente tracciabili.
Per saperne di più sul testosterone naturale
Principali utilizzi dell'integratore per aumentare il testosterone
Il miglior integratore per aumentare il testosterone
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